The information above does not qualify as a recommendation or an opinion with regard to conducting any transaction or investment. Each investor should conduct his or her own checks and verifications, while taking into account his or her specific circumstances and requirements. All the relevant aspects of the purchase, including the legal, economic and tax aspects, should be carefully examined with the assistance of professionals and consultants on the investorโs behalf.
The information on this platform is for information purposes only. Offers for selling of the securities will be delivered only to โACCREDITED INVESTORSโ as defined in the first supplement of the ISRAELI SECURITIES LAW, 5278-1968 or if you are residing outside of Israel, as defined under the laws applicable to you. Securities through ELEPHANTโS PLATFORM would only be offered to NON-U.S. ACCREDITED INVESTORS.
The Elephant Platform is not a registered Exchange or Broker-Dealer, and it does not provide investment advice or recommendations. The Elephant Platform is not Registered with the U.S. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (SEC) or elsewhere and is not intended to be used for selling securities to U.S. residents it is not an offer within the Unites States or elsewhere, and compliance with relevant U.S. and international securities laws and other applicable law and regulations is the responsibility of the potential seller. Prior to any transactions, you are advised to seek Independent financial and legal counsel. Participation in the Elephant Platform is subject to its terms and conditions. The Elephant does not guarantee any specific outcomes and past performance is not indicative of future results.
The Elephant, shall not be responsible or liable and shall not guarantee in any way the return of the investments to investors, including any profits earned as a result of such investments. The engagement with the investors shall be in accordance with the transaction documents and the conditions stipulated therein, subject to the negotiations that will be held with the investors.
The Elephant charges fees from sellers and buyers of securities, and therefore The Elephant has an interest in the information posted about various companies. The information published on the Site, does not constitutes an investment consulting as defined in the Regulation of Investment Consulting, Investment Marketing and Portfolio Management, 1995, and the said information is not a substitute for professional consulting which among others takes into consideration the special needs of every person.
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